What scares you about the future? And for what reasons?

I dunno man, it is tricky. With stuff like NZ and the rising nationalism in Europe part of me is worried about the future on this topic. I try not to talk too much about it cause people assume you hate Muslims which isn't the case at all.

I have just read enough about Islam and ISIS & Salafism & Saudi funding and all we have seen to connect them to the violent behaviour. Hopefully this violence we have seen is like Christianity was, somehow it will eek away despite holy texts.

Problem for me is that when I read the Quran and the Hadith and wrap my head around the fact some young men and women just like me got convinced it was all true. If you really, really believe certain things and are being taught them and such teachings are funded by the billions across the globe, i'd have to be a fucking idiot not to see a potential problem.

If it addressed properly then we may still find a way to navigate the issues sensibly. I really hope we can.

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