What short story completely mind fucked you?

*(1) In the original it goes more like: ‘Beyond the eternally continuing mountain ranges of buildings.’ however that didn’t fit in with the style of the translation (which would be some kind of middle ground between literal and free but I don’t know that name of it, Semantic or Communicative, I think that might be it? We’ll say that’s what I was going for), so instead I chose: ‘endless ranges of tall buildings’ which expresses the same ideas and sounds more natural in English.

*(2) Decided on the name Tell. The alternatives were Tail or Tale, neither of which sound like names. Tell, on the other hand (William Tell--Austrian apple-shooter guy [right? I should know this]), does.

*(3) ‘Voice’. In the original Japanese Voice and Hand had little triangular marks like <>, instead of the ‘ ‘ marks I used here. We don’t use <> in English, our equivalent would be ‘ ‘.

*(4) ‘and other food’ is a translation of など in the original. It could be translated as ‘and such (things)’ [right?:s], however I translated it as ‘and other food’, because we’re talking about the smell of coffee, milk and general breakfast items such as pastries, fry-ups..actually it’d be fish and rice, wouldn’t it? Would it? Anyways, all of those things which would smell strongly to wake you up in the morning.

*(5) The type of music I imagine this music to be is like the stuff you hear in shopping centre elevators. Trying to be uplifting and cheery but inevitably making all trapped together in the elevator feel awkward and aurally violated. Almost like some kind of brainwash music played to kindergarten children to calm and relax them and teach them some good old moral values. I chose ‘splendid’ because I like the way it rolls off the tongue. Splendid music sounds like something you’d listen to in the morning while eating your toast to get you in the mood for a day’s work. Yup.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent