What should people stop encouraging?

I agree that there is a rather large amount of focus on fat people on reddit. But that less than 0.5% of people believe fat is health or attractive figure is a huge underestimation.

Going by personal experience. It's not rare for a mildly overweight friend on facebook to post a picture comparing themselves to a skinny model and say something along the lines of "This is how a real woman should look, these 'models' need to eat more" and have it get a huge amount of likes and support.

Of course, let's not trust my personal experience.

More than 2/3 adults are considered to be at least overweight. Source.

And...A good majority of people think they are attractive. About 60% of people are happy with how they look, and over 80% are happy with how there partners look. Source

Also, 54% of people believe they can be healthy, even if they are overweight. Source

Sure, you could make the argument that these numbers could be skewed a little bit, but no matter how you argue it, they are a far ways away from 0.5%.

Again not to say this gives people a right to constantly bash fat people...But I think it's important to understand why there's such an oddly large amount of backlash against them on reddit. It's because the problem does exist at a noticeable magnitude in the 'real' world. Yet it is also a very touchy subject to bring up in the 'real' world, which tends to lead to overexposure on places like reddit.

I agree that outright fat bashing isn't really productive (actually counterproductive in some cases), but diminishing the issue (as you are doing here) can be counterproductive as well.

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