What is a show you hate, that every one loves?

Different strokes for different folks for sure. I totally get not liking Walt - he turns into a villain. And some of the other characters are in there to make you hate them, so that makes sense too. As for Jesse - I always assumed unless you’re a young guy you’re not gonna relate to him or like him at all so that’s an acceptable one for sure.

The whole premise of the show is brilliant though… Walt has been diagnosed with deadly cancer and his world view has been turned upside down. He looks around and starts comparing his life to others. He realizes/feels that despite how smart and brilliant his mind is, he has no control over his life. His old business partners got married and are billionaires loving life. He teaches a room full of student who don’t really respect him and moneys always tight. His sons condition adds to this mental struggle. He can’t fix it. He doesn’t have enough money for better treatment that could improve his QoL.. the cancer diagnosis triggered him into action. Those inner feelings he has though, those are so damn relatable.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.. Part of why he starts down this path is to give his family as much money as possible. Over time, power corrupts him. His condition worsens and it becomes less about the “good” coming from his actions, and more about his own desires. You even get to learn that in all honesty, his family would’ve been much better off had he just rode it out like a normal person and passed away leaving them next to nothing. I don’t want to completely spoil if you haven’t seen it but the end of the show is a great way to conclude the story. The writing doesn’t fade, it stays solid all the way through and leaves you kind of wanting more but also satisfied.

Also every other episode had a twist that I did not see coming which was an awesome experience when watching this on a once/week basis when it was released.

Idk. To me that is absolutely amazing stuff. So much deeper and more candid than almost anything else we have seen in recent memory.

I am sad to learn there are people who aren’t into this show.

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