What is slowly dying off or disappearing?

I feel like etiquette and common decency has been slowly dying off.

The Western "Enlightenment" era and the Victorian era through maybe around the 20s or 30s seemed like the major times where social etiquette was a prevalent sort of practice, and then it gradually began to drop off from there.

I'm not saying we have to go back to speaking properly and poshly, and I'm not saying those times were perfect, but my concern is how nowadays, especially with the internet, many people are beligerent and blatantly offensive, often mistaking it for "honesty". On top of that, manners and general politeness doesn't seem to be around as much either. It's like our social skills have devolved somehow.

It seems that in recent years, rather than simply being decent, respectful, self-aware, and civilized, people choose to loudly and offensively exclaim their points of views as a means to "speak their minds", avoid lending a helping hand with the mindset that they "don't owe people shit", and also confuse conceit and narcissism for loving oneself.

I don't know yo...our societies seem to be extremely aggressive and selfish nowadays. Does anyone else see this? Could I be wrong?

/r/AskReddit Thread