What is something that is bullshit, that everyone should know about?

So far, the best 4 years of my life were the years after I finished my first university degree and started working, paying of my student debt and finally becoming fully independent of my parents and state welfare.

I suddenly had freetime, I suddenly could pay my own bills, I suddenly could afford awesome things, I suddenly could travel when I want without having to beg for money, I suddenly didn't have to answer questions from my parents anymore and justify expenses NOR jump through shitty hoops to get my scholarship.

I also suddenly had much more freetime, didn't have to write idiotic exams any longer. My life suddenly had a clear purpose and was properly planned with fixed work hours, fixed amount of holidays and once I'm back home from work I had quality relaxation time where I can focus on whatever the fuck I want instead of always worrying about exams, homework, presentations and other shit.

I made my career goals that I started working hard on and I made plans on how to finance my shit and how to progress and how to handle hurdles I might encounter when trying to make that progress. I pay for my own insurance, I started eating more healthy due to having more money, I started going to the gym.

Hell, I hate high school, I hated college, I fucking LOVE working and earning money. Fucking yes. Fuck yeah. Fuck everyone who told me that school and studying is great and easy. Working is fucking easy. It's so simple. You go to work, you do exactly the stuff you are expected to do, you get clear goals and clear orders, you do your shit, you get paid, you go home and do whatever the fuck you want. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT? I CAN ALREADY FINANCE MY OWN FUCKING FLAT! LAST YEAR I TRAVELED TO PLACES I ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE BECAUSE I CAN AFFORD THAT SHIT! ON MY OWN! WOMEN FIND ME MORE ATTRACTIVE, TOO! I AM RICHER, HEALTHIER AND MORE CONFIDENT! (Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people who think school is easier or nicer than fucking work.)

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