What is something that was once considered to be a "legend" or "myth" that eventually turned out to be true?

This includes giving her a delegate lead before anyone even voted so that the narrative was how she will win no matter what

A lead she also had in 2008. How did that work out?

also shady things like reducing polling places in Arizona where there was a 5 hour line just to vote

Primaries are run by the state governments. Arizona is governed by Republicans. And Hillary literally SUED the state for their election handling. Trying to use this to claim the DNC acted against Bernie is absurd.

Nevada where the caucus was a shitshow.

A shitshow that nearly went in Bernie's favour, in spite of him getting fewer votes....

Or giving Hillary debate questions in advance.

Question. There was one question given. It was a question about the water crisis in Flint... for a debate taking place IN FLINT. It was a question that was utterly unsurprising

Or New York where registrations to vote closed a year before the primary so people who discovered Bernie later on couldn't vote for him.

Rules that were in place before Bernie announced his candidacy. They're there for a reason. Because the Democratic primary is meant to allow DEMOCRATS to select their candidate. They want party members voting, not people who have never been interested before.

It's an amalgamation of a lot of tactics that worked together in favor of Hillary.

It's an amalgamation of misunderstandings that don't even come close to making up the 3 million+ votes he lost by.

There is a court case going on right now and the DNC's defense isn't "we didn't do it", their defense is "we're allowed to do it".

No. Their defense is "we didn't do it and it wouldn't matter even if we did". That's not the DNC, it's their lawyers. They use every facet of the law that helps their case, even if it is superseded by another thing.

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