What is something your parents said to you that may have not been a big deal, but they will never know how much it affected you?

Not really said but allowed me to see but I could have become one later in life once I saw else.

Watched a PBS documentary series on living like the frontier people did when I was 12 with my parents (it was similar to a reality show) Anyway in the show the 2 daughters of this family bought a baby pig from a local market. Anyway fast forward as the show goes on the girls continue to play with the pig daily name it,feed it,constantly pet it. Then the episode comes where the father has to break his daughters that the pig must die for meat any they show the father kill the pig while the two girls were crying with their mother in the house while the father did it. The father was crying as he killed it too because knew how much his daughters loved the pig and for the whole family because it was like the family dog while they were out there all alone.

Been a vegetarian ever since I saw that show probably because i was at such a impressionable age and saw something so sad and graphically violent.

Also these days a lot of people forget where meats comes from because it's all nice and clean and devoid of any of the violence related to killing it in grocery stores. The mindset then becomes meats comes from grocery stores not animals.

/r/AskReddit Thread