What started/triggered your social anxiety?

In high school, one guy in our group went through a phase where he’d actively talk over a few us (me and one other guy), or step on front of us to literally cut us out of the circle. He also started a completely unfounded rumour that a third friend was gay, which in a small farming town is no small deal. That fucker is a preacher now.

Then, my first long term girlfriend cheated on me but denied it and it ended up being a looong, drawn out breakup, and it seriously fucked with my confidence.

And then I spent 2-3 years in my late teens/early 20s smoking WAY too much weed, and thats when my mental health issues really manifested themselves.

So preacher man led to me being quiet and not speaking my mind and questioning my social value, girlfriend crushed my confidence, and the weed just took it all and multiplied it by 10.

/r/socialanxiety Thread