What statistically improbable thing happened to you?

Statistically improbable:

  • In Bangkok. Tell my wife I have a feeling my childhood friend X is around. Next morning, I;m stressing out on planning our last day. A random thought goes through my mind "When X gets here, we'll do it together". I turn my head and I see X standing there.

Coincidences that changed my life:

  • Depressed for years, wife left me, PhD going nowhere. No plan B. I get addicted to looking for hookups on an annonymous chat site with mediocre success. In a few weeks my advisor will return from Sabbatical and will probably kick me off the program. I'm too mentally checked out and despaired to notice or do anything about it. Chat up a girl online one night. It becomes 2 months of all-nightly chats. We agree to skip one night of chatting. I can't sleep because my sleep pattern is all fucked up now. I get the muse and solve my entire research question that night. A few days later my advisor returns and tells me my progress is enough for a PhD. Then she arrives. I get the degree, get the girl, get supernova sex, love and Euphoria. The best time in my life came a few weeks after the worst time of my life. The relationship wasn't meant to last, but the diploma and confidence boost will last me a lifetime.

  • In a few weeks I'll depart for my post-doc in another country for a couple of years, and I suddenly remember that I'm old and have no family. I embark on a hail-mary attempt to find a potential spouse from my own culture. After a few weeks of online dating I find someone with potential, but by the time I realize it's not going anywhere, it's too late to find someone new, so I stick around with her for a few more shots. She doesn't mind cause I'm leaving soon anyway. I then get the message that for beaurocratic reasons, my departure will be delayed by a month. I decide to stick around for a couple of extra shots. In one of those last dates, we have a breakthrough and finally find some chemistry/biology. I decide to stick around a little extra.

  • She has the flu. I visit her and we stay in, watching TV on her bed. She tells me I can;t stay over and I agree. We both fall asleep on her bed. That morning, I watch her morning routine getting ready for work, and I decide then and there that she will become my wife and mother of my children. It takes a while and a long distance relationship, but she does.

  • I'm on my post-doc, and I share a flat with an older guy. He's usually normal, but he sometimes goes on about some personal developement group he belongs too. Sounds like a new-age cult to me, so I just smile and nod when he drolls on about it, not paying attention. Time passes by and I've decided to end my research career and head back home. I plan a fare weel trip from that country before I leave. In a casual conversation with him, I leanr that his cult has one of their workshops soon. It will happen very near the point of origin of my trip, and exactly in the 2 days preceding it. I decide that witnessing a weird cult like gathering is a cool new experience fit for a vacation, and join on a spur. When I pick up my fiance at the airport tha day after the workshop, I'm a changed man. It's one of the most profound experiences I've had and has improved my life (and that trip) more than I could have imagined.

  • The trip ends at a friend's house. We linger on talking too much, mostly about my friend's idea for a startup, and we miss our flight by a few minutes. We end up staying the weekend there. That weekend, I have a chance encounter with a distant acquaintance. It's a friend of a relative who's a multimillionaire. The casual conversation with him lands me a job in one of his companies, funding for my friend's startup, and holdings in both companies for me.

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