What is the stupidest decision you've made that still keeps you awake at night?

When I was 18 I was living at home with my parents going to community college nearby. I was going through a lot of stuff at the time so I was a pretty depressed, antisocial person. My cousin, who is the same age as me, was off in another state at a university having the time of her life. My parents and my cousin suggested that I go spend a weekend out there with her and have some fun, and I, not wanting to leave my dark cave of a room, reluctantly agreed.

I flew out there a few days later and arrived at the university. The first thing I noticed is that I was going to be staying in an all girls dorm (the RA didn't seem to care that I was there). I met a few of my cousin's friends and they seemed pretty nice, many of them came and went as my cousin's dorm seemed to be a social hub of sorts.

That night my cousin and her friend are getting ready to leave for a class, and the most stunning girl I have ever laid my eyes on walked into the room. I was immediately enamored with her and was VERY happy that she would be staying to do some homework while my cousin and her friend went to class. She was sitting across the room on her laptop and we started talking, just normal small talk. Well I must have said something right because she came across the room and sat on the bed next to me, still typing up her essay. We talked about her essay topic, which was something along the lines of parental responsibility, at which point she tells me she picked the topic because she has daddy issues, and then rests her head on my shoulder.

At this point in time, I hadn't even touched a girl since I had gone through a very hard breakup a few months before. I had hardly spoken to anyone besides my parents and close friends in recent months. I knew how awkward I was, and I didn't want to let that ruin things for me. don't mess this up, I thought to myself.

She kind of nuzzled in a bit closer, and I tilted my head and kind of rested mine on hers. She let out a little giggle, and I involuntarily did an awkward little laugh and then we sat there in silence. My mind blanked. I had no idea what to do or say. I had a 10/10 girl nuzzled up next to me in the loneliest time of my life and I was freezing up.

That's when my cousin and her friend came in through the door. Their class was canceled. The girl and I kind of backed off from each other when they came in and she scooted over a bit away from me, leaving me feeling kind of shitty, but whatever. My cousin and her friend busted out a bottle of vodka and called a few friends over to play King's Cup.

Now as an 18 year old fresh out of high school in a college dorm room full of girls that I wanted to impress, I was not the smartest individual. For the game, they were drinking cups of vodka mixed with Sunny D. Myself, being the badass young man that must show these women how cool I am, announced that I would be drinking my vodka without a mixer. Bad choice. I thought these girls would be impressed by my drinking ability, and with a little bit of alcohol in me I could get past the awkwardness and seal the deal with the girl I had been infatuated with.

I got piss drunk. My cousin had to have some of her guy friends help me to the bathroom so I could take the longest piss of my life. I hobble back over to the room and collapse on the bed. Just before my eyes close for the final time that drunken night, I see the girl that I liked making absolute doe eyes at this big muscular dude who was talking to her. Fuck.

I woke up the next day to someone opening the door. It was her. She was grabbing her things she left in the room. She saw me and giggled. "Bye, drunk cousin" she said as she left the room. She didn't even remember my name.

/r/AskReddit Thread