What is the stupidest way you almost died?

Went hiking up a mountain with some friends. We'd all brought a J along, each a slightly different variety (and some had opium or hash in them). This was back when I was in college and a lot more "Free spirited". So, we get to the top of this mountain and there's a Boy Scout group up there. One friend tells me he knows another spot around the corner where we could all go smoke. Walking to this spot, it's a huge bald rock face, with water trickling down the side. It's slippery as hell, but overall pretty level and safe. We get to our spot and smoke like 6-8 joints or something ridiculous. As we're leaving, I'm acting like an idiot at the spot where the water is running across the mountain, pretending I'm going to fall when all of a sudden, I lose my footing and really slip. The mountain face had kind of this rounded edge that rolled off down below us - all we could see was the valley/lake 4k feet below us. So, off the side of that face I go - I was screaming like a girl, grabbing for anything I could and honest to God, I thought I was going to die. I remember grabbing this little tree that was about 1" around and that thing just ripped right out of the rock and I took it with me. I knew I was going to die. And then - once you go over the rounded face, it's a pretty steep slide for about 30-40' and then it levels out and there's a ledge that's about 20' wide. I stopped on that ledge - which was great, because from there I could see that the ledge was it - after that it was a straight drop down the side of that mountain. I regained my composure, was shaking like a leaf and I could hear my friend's freaking the hell out on the top of the mountain above me. I screamed to them that I was okay, just stuck on this ledge down below them. After some looking around, I was able to find my way back up to the top and rejoined them, then we all got the hell off that mountain.

Word of advice - don't go hiking/mountain climbing with the intent to get as high as possible. And if you do, don't pull any shenanigans. Shit can go from funny to terrifying in an instant.

/r/AskReddit Thread