What super powers would you lik to have if you were in the comic world ?

Like no rules I can just become anyone I want, you said powers, not power.

So anyone I want to be... Hope/Gabriel Summers, Mister M, Superman Prime One Million, Marquis of Death, or Molecule Man?... just anyone I want to be I can have their powers?

I'm gonna try to cheat and get as much power as I can.

Lets say I'm The Marquis of Death, I have all the lantern rings like in Blackest Night, I would have a custom weapon made by Muramasa with uru and Nth metal and the Odinsword. I wear a custom version of the Model-Prime/Uru Armor iron man suit powered by The white Light of Life with the Helmet of Fate. A custom made Infinity Gauntlet that holds not only the infinity gems but the the heart of the universe.

I'm not super knowledgeable about comics so I'm sure someone can blow me out of the water, but that's the best I can think of right now.

/r/AskReddit Thread