What is a thing you could do easily as a kid but couldn't do now no matter how hard you tried?

Late to the party, but wanted to share my aging story. A couple of years ago I was cutting down a tree by my yard. Well it didn't drop the direction I had planned and instead started falling directly into the yard, which was the only clear area for me to run once I realized it wasn't dropping where I wanted it.

So I took off running while looking back to make sure I wasn't going to get squished by this cottonwood motherfucker. Well it started falling right towards me, so I dive out of the way and land on my side.

My ribs hurt for weeks after despite landing on relatively soft lawn turf.

Last Thanksgiving I broke my collerbone falling over onto a sidewalk while drunk and trying to cure my hiccups by drinking water while leaning over.

Sigh. Getting older sucks.

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