"Do What Thou Wilt": Why Standards are Important in Modern Society

I believe that Crowley bastardised this to the point that love has been subjugated to the law - which puts the will above all else. Yet Augustine is telling people to love first, once that is done, then to act based upon that foundation. That is essentially the short form of what Jesus said:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these

In the rest of the Bible, Jesus always preached the necessity of living what you believe - that is to not just say what you believe but to DO what you believe. Love, then do. That is what Augustine surmised.

Crowly bastardises this by saying: do what you will, love when it suits your will. See that? Love is now conditional. Love is not above all. Only the will is. What shall the will be based on? In the end, Crowley is fostering a form of idealised ethical egoism. That is, ethics are only as useful in so far as they pertain to your self, your ego. That is satanism.

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