What toxic behavior has been normalized by society?

FUCK my last "job offer." Interview went great and was told own the spot that I should expect to be contacted about getting on the schedule within "a few days." Well, "a few days" turned into her string me along for over three months with a bunch of crap about how she "just noticed her text didn't go through!" Anyway, I'm 75% sure that she ended up hiring a dude over me even though I had two years of relevant experience, heavy equipment certification, and glowing reviews from my former bosses.

How do I know these things? My fucking sister recommended me for the job, but she also let slip that this lady was "annoyed" with her own ditzy female employees, and mentioned that she was "leaning toward" preferring a male employee.

Fuck but I'm still pissed about that. Never even got a, "I'm so sorry, but we have since filled that position." Just strung me along for months with periodic texts, then radio silence. AND it affected how I responded to job offers for months because she was offering double what I could get anywhere else.

It's been a year at most and I still fucking loathe that bitch stringing me along.

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