What turns your rage meter up to 99.9?

The woman I share my office with who spends all day talking to her ghetto family on the phone and does no work, then milks overtime out of the company. Then when her work is complete shit, they have me redo it. But they can't fire her because she's the only black person in the office and they don't want to get sued. HOW ABOUT HIRE SOMEONE QUALIFIED OF ANY SHADE OF SKIN. HOW ABOUT NOT HIRE PEOPLE WHO SUCK. She knows they aren't going to fire her so she spends all day on the company phone talking about Missy Eliot and how big Nicki Minaj's ass is. Meanwhile I'm trying to do my work AND her work while she's laughing or yelling hysterically into the phone. I don't understand why anyone would hire someone as incompetant as her unless they ARE racists and assume thats what black employees are capable of. Fire her dumb ass and fire someone good. I dont care what color. I'm just tired of doing her job while she gets paid double to do absofuckinglutely nothing all day. And then takes a company car home because she "works late" Fuck that.

/r/AskReddit Thread