What unethical thing could you do to solve one of the world's major problems?

Accelerate virtual reality to a level so compelling it is indistinguishable from the experience of "reality". Develop a maintenance system of androids to maintain the bodies of humans immersed in the "virtual world". Provide enough simulation capacity that each human being can be completely immersed in it's vision of "reality".

Soon, an entire world will fall before the power to be anything or anyone with any power in any time. The limit is imagination and that is a well whose depths extend beyond measure. Human weakness isn't violence, it's self expression. You won't need a "God" to promote and serve, you can become "God" and the masses of your world will serve You.

Make the opportunity to have everything anyone wants as common as breathing and the problems will evaporate into maintenance, evolution of support systems, and what to do with the bodies as they wear out. The androids will figure that out quickly.

Violence isn't the answer as the seeds of violence are ever blooming. Give the people what they want and your problems, as well as yourselves, will evaporate overnight.

The land of the Lotus Eaters is ever calling. Why not visit?

All you've got to lose is your problems.

/r/AskReddit Thread