What is the weirdest thing that someone you know does to save money?

Not really weird, but I have this friend who'd do anything to save a couple of bucks. Sometimes it costs her money in the long run, but she doesn't seem to realise that. Things she does: * Borrow her sisters's public transport card (Student travel fot free), she doesn't at all look liker her sister and will get a fine for using it. * If she cant borrow her sisters PT card, she'll drive the car the company she works for "gave" her, because she "doesnt" pay for gass (it's a lease car, the subtract the lease money from her salary. They also pay all gas money, but at the end of the month the calculate how much she had to drive for work, figure out how many private miles shes done, subtract that from her pay as well) and has to pay for parking; often combined this costst more than a train ticket * Paceses herself when we're out drinking so that whenever someone is getting a round, she doesn't "need" a drink. Then she finishes when everybody else is still halffull and just gets herself a drink * Once actually asked a police officer to driver her home so she wouldnt have to pay for a cab. He fucking did it too (yes, shes attractive).

all in all it's just weird to me how much thought she puts into not spending money.

/r/AskReddit Thread