What is the weirdest thing you've ever woken up to, drunk or sober? [NSFW]

I have similar story which took place my third week of college.

At the University I attended we were able to hold parties in our dorm rooms and common areas. My particular dorm had a tower, which had a large ballroom at the top. This is where we threw "the tower party". The party itself only lasted until 1230 or so because windows were being broken, the electricity went out in the dorm, and freshman were puking all over.

Fast forward to the following morning. I open one eye, and all I can see is carpet, then tile. I am on the floor. My head is pounding. My dorm room has loft beds, but I'm on the floor. That's why it feels like I have a broken head. I push myself off the floor with all my strength and notice there is a quite a bit of vomit in the sink. Not cool. Who did that? What's that taste in my mouth? Vomit. I did that.

I stumble out into the hall towards the bathroom. Once I get there I see there is blood all over the handle. Hmm, okay, I will open it up with my pinky, as if that will be more hygenic. What I saw when I entered could only be described as a murder scene with no body. There was blood on the floor, there was blood in the drain, on the sinks, and on the urinals. "Where was the body!". So I walked over all the blood, to the urinal, and had a wee. I cant remember, but the wee must have felt good as it always does after a night of drinking. Anyway, I exit out of the bathroom only to find my rector staring at me. What is a dorm rector you ask? He is the dorm Priest, yes, I went to a Catholic school.

"No_miss_vishh", what is this, what happened?" - asked Father V

"Umm, uhhh, I don't know Father V. I just had to go to the bathroom. You should probably check the dumpster though.", I joked.

He did not like that joke. So I scurried off to my dorm. Come to find out the kid who broke one of the windows during the party cut himself badly and bled all over the place. He ended up being fine though. I also found out I got laid that night, which is cool, and explains the condom that was on me when I woke up, which I did not tell you about at the beginning of the story.

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