What will you never tell your kids you did when you were younger?

It would if you also took into account your teachers grading habits.

The beauty of post-secondary education is that it encourages self learning and doesn't constantly enforce rigorous testing methodologies to validate your ability to maintain an externally defined training regiment on a subject you choose to learn on your schedule. While that sounds like a bad thing, it really means you're free to do whatever you want, whether it means going to class or not, and still be able to validate your "competence" in that specific field. You signed up for it (whether it's a mandatory course or elective), your end of the deal if you want your piece of paper that qualifies your chosen skillset, means meeting the minimum program requirements. You just need to know how to play the game.

This methodology can be applied to any life social challenge, regardless of whether it's on the job or in the classroom. Learn your appraisers (i.e. teacher, professor, TA, supervisor, boss, parent/guardian/sibling) judgement criteria, and shape your deliverable against it. Life scenarios, regardless of circumstance, are always about 2 basic things. Input and output. The input is your appraisers request, the output is meeting or exceeding your appraisers expectations, regardless of your own priorities, perspective, or motivations.

Your output doesn't always need to be the "best" or "revolutionary" or even your most dedicated task. It just needs to conform with your appraisers current minimum criteria for competency (regardless of the desired level of competency you choose to adhere your life to).

Sorry to ramble, but essentially, in my opinion, university (per it's Canadian definition) was easy. Find out what your prof or TA is grading you on and exploit it. All you need to do is ask. You have your rights as a student to be presented with your grading rubric /criteria. They have the obligation to tell you what you're being graded on. Base your assignment / studying efforts around the it and reap the benefits of doing nothing when you can.

Of course you could always use this principle and go the extra mile. Gives you greater rewards but more responsibility /stress /risk. Find a balance that works for you and do whatever makes you happy.

/r/AskReddit Thread