What is the worse service you've had, but you were too polite to complain?

One time, my friends and I were in Berlin. We stayed at an airbnb and we went to the nearby Dunkin Donut before our flight to Paris to get something to eat. The woman at the counter looked so angry as we approached and when we spoke English, she just replied in German, which we didn’t mind but she got even angrier when we couldn’t understand so she just kept yelling at us. When we tried to choose from the menu, she got so impatient after like 20 secs of us discussing what we wanted, so she kept sighing loudly right in front of us. So we hurried and ordered and asked how much was the total and she tsk-ed and kept yelling the price in German but we couldn’t understand so we just gave her like 10 euros and she got so mad and aggressively opened the cash register to give us our change. It was awful.

/r/AskReddit Thread