What was the worst day at the worst job you’ve ever had?

Not me, but it happened a year ago my friend had a needle prick injury from an agitated AIDS patient, at that time the patient was also suffering from delusions I think and he mocked and cursed her. The patient also had oral thrush and her face was spat on with whitish phlegm and saliva. He told her she deserves it for being a whore. It was pure horror. She cried and cried. She was immediately taken care of, she took a test, she bathe at the hospital etc... While the patient was restraint, and sedated.

Waiting for the results were hell, she started a course of prophylactic antivirals. Results came back negative, but she still thinks of it till this today. She was paranoid ever since, and could not function well inside the ICU. Hospital had to let her go.

/r/AskReddit Thread