What is the worst movie plot hole you've ever seen?

Luke was quite clearly in hiding. He was on a planet, raised by distant relatives, with one of the two remaining Jedi keeping an eye on him.

Luke was only clearly an orphan being raised by his aunt and uncle in A New Hope.

So someone tells her about Obi Wan, that he is her "only hope" but ignores the fact that her long lost brother is on the same planet. Anyone who knew about Obi Wan would know about Luke.

There's nothing suggesting that Bail Organa knew anything about Leia's parentage or Luke's existence.

He can sense Obi Wan so we know that you can tell people apart. He can sense that Luke is strong in the force. Yet one of the most powerful force users of all time can't figure out that Luke is his son? Bullshit.

Again, there is no evidence that recognizing a force signature or sensing a force presence informs you of the identity of the force user. Vader recognized Obi-Wan because they'd spent years fighting along side each other. He had never encountered Luke before. And he clearly figured out who Luke was inbetween their ONE encounter in ANH and ESB.

NOWHERE IN THE MOVIE DOES IT SAY THE FORCE IS REQUIRED FOR THE SHOT. You're just pulling things out of your ass now. The film only "makes it clear" because you say so. So Red leader missed the shot? Cool. People miss shots all the damn time. Anyone with good enough reaction time could have made that shot. These guys had monitors telling them exactly when to shoot, but it was a tight window and the ONE guy who tried missed. The fact that you are defending this tells me you're completely blind to reason when it comes to Star Wars.

We only need one scene of a skilled pilot, which we can assume Red Leader is (he is Red LEADER after all), missing the shot to confirm what the pilots all feared in the ready room: That the shot is impossible. A long series of scenes of people missing the shot would only belabor the point. You simply don't understand how to read film.

The fact that you are defending this tells me you're completely blind to reason when it comes to Star Wars. You were going to hate the new movie no matter how good it was and you'll defend the original trilogy regardless of the evidence provided against it.

Now you're just speculating blindly about my motives and attacking my character. You do this because you're a stupid, thin-skinned fucking idiot and you don't have any real arguments. Go fuck yourself, dickbag.

The Death Star goes against the very basics of engineering by allowing this opening to exist.

Well that's clearly nonsense. Lots of military weapons have hard to exploit vulnerabilities. You can shoot an Apache out of the air with a .45 pistol. I mean, it's nearly impossible shot, but if you hit the rotor assembly just right it falls out of the air. Same principle.

But then he turns him into a weapon against his father. Oh, and he only starts training Luke after his family is butchered. Seems like a bad time to start training a Jedi.

Yeah, shit happens. Sometimes your plan changes.

If they truly feared the Hutts, it'd be easier to pay them off than to risk their coverup being exposed.

Well the most obvious reason is simply that the Empire didn't want to tip anyone off that they were looking for the droids, out of concern that would provoke whoever had them into running.

Seriously dude. Your blind love of the original trilogy is a little bit creepy.

Fuck you, you stupid asshat.

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