What is the worst reason you've been fired?

My first job out of school I got a pretty good analyst job that I did really like. When you got hired you had like a "temporary manager" who looked over you until you got allocated to your role. She never even talked to us. Well, I got sent to a certain department and worked under an exec who loved me. 3 days before evals were due they fired her so old manager got my eval. I didn't know that she actually hated me. I am and was an excellent worker, and thought I would get a raise and was all excited, she calls me into her office(as she did all the evals she did) and told me that I've been given a failing grade, then told me it was because "I put my feet on the desk in meetings with execs she was in with me and we never even were in a meeting together, all her reasons were complete bullshit "But don't worry, it's just gonna work like it's your 60 day evaluation nothing bad will happen". Took my eval back to my actual manager who wasn't given a say in my eval (and manager who wrote eval didn't even talk to him, I asked her). He flipped his shit and told me to fight it that they'll fire me for that, so I sent in my dispute to HR and then my buddy sends me an IM at work and tells me that she gave stellar ratings to these lazy azzed mugs who got hired after us who're all getting raises. SNAP. It was then I lost it. completely lost it.

Here's my version of our Microsoft Lync convo after evals went out:

Buddy: Steve and Em got 6.5's(a big raise) Me: Fuck them Me: And whoever rated them Buddy then texts me "You trying to get fired?"

I had never split like that in my life but I did, I was so mad. For the next two weeks I bit my nails and even heard back they were gonna let my correct manager write my eval. Two weeks from the day I did that HR came looking for me and fired me without explanation or say from any coworkers or direct management/director. Just said it was "reorganization".

Sorry for the long story, but that is the most BS reason(or) the most "I'm a retard" reason I've ever been fired(only time). Still don't know to this day if it was my eval or my microsoft lync.

/r/AskReddit Thread