What is the worst thing you have found in your parents closet?

When I was a kid I would always play videogames on my uncle’s computer whenever we would visit the family.

One time, being the nosy kid that I am, I was rooting through his files and discovered his porn stash. Not just any porn mind you, my uncle (not blood related) photoshopped my mom’s face on random porn pics. He had a whole fucking collection he curated.

I was in absolute shock and being only 7 years old or so, I had no idea how to cope with this mentally. I was just stunned into silence and too embarrassed to ever mention it to anyone.

My uncle and aunt divorced a couple of years later. They never told us why and I assume there were lots of reasons, but I’ve always thought my aunt must’ve finally stumbled upon those pics herself.

/r/AskReddit Thread