What is the worst thing a roommate has done to you?

Late to the party but had a roommate who smoked out her bedroom window when our front door was literally 10 ft from designated smoker area outside. She dated a girl who left her stupid chihuahua when they broke up and roommate left it in the bathroom all day where it shit on everything and cried all day. I would report it and somehow roommate would find out and remove all evidence of dog then it would be back a few days later. I had no issues with Seinfeld until my roommate left it playing in the living room at all hours of the day and if I turned it off she would scream incessantly until it was put back on. One day I came home from class to find she had sold my blender and multiple appliances in the kitchen to someone in exchange for alcohol. I was planning to move out after classes ended in a few months. When the lease was up she was gone without cleaning or taking any of her things and I found 16 empty handles of vodka hidden throughout the apartment : in the toilet tank, under couch cushions, in a cereal bag, in the freezer, under the sink, behind drawers in her room, in the vents and in the oven. You would think I had learned my lesson with roommates but that's the tamest one.

/r/AskReddit Thread