What is the worst way you or someone you know, has been "Fired" from a job?

Coworker texted me while I was working, maybe an hour before he was scheduled to start (it was around 1 PM). Told me he was incredibly drunk and working on furthering that, said he'd need me to work his shift.

I couldn't. You know, because telling someone to cover a shift (not asking) an hour before you're supposed to start is kind of a stupid/dick move.. especially if the person in question has been drinking since 9 AM.

So he gets to work and I'm changing, getting ready to go. He's in the bathroom and after asking me once more and fully realizing it isn't happening, he whips out some coke and does a line on the bathroom counter. All the while he is talking shit about the manager who is on; "Oh she's a bitch and she's totally gonna fire me."

She didn't. She tried to be cool about it but she knew. The GM found out and HE fired dude. Ha, then a few months later he stumbles in drunk as hell and sees me. Grabs me and starts accusing me of being a bad friend and fucking his life up. I laughed and told him it just wasn't my fault.

/r/AskReddit Thread