What would happen if you post your selfie on Reddit, or if specifically on this sub? Would it come back to bite you one day?

Thank you. You have helped me so much stenodactylus. I have finally realised I should leave this girl alone. Today I apologised to her. She immediately told me it's ok. I wanted to cry. She has forgiven me.

I will drop this class. You are right, I have no business to be in that class. I am not interested in the subject, all I am doing is sitting there to look at her, which is stalking. Thank you for all of your advice. I can finally see that you have been right all along. No matter what the reason is, it is not correct to stalk her just because she has given me a smile. If I want to date her, I should ask her to grab a coffee or lunch with me, but she isn't going to, so I have to accept this and let her go, and also forgive myself. Thank you. I've never felt so happy in a long time.

I am thinking of sending you my selfie, but I want to take a better picture first. I have some saved in my phone but I'm not happy with how I look in them. Please give me a few days, I'm preparing to take a selfie. I want to give you a better looking picture :)

/r/ForeverAlone Thread Parent