What was your biggest “I hate people” moment?

Ugh, this guy I was dating did a similar thing, we were camping with a big group and everyone had duties. Well, due to something that was mostly his fault, but also admittedly mine for not being more forceful and also being unwilling to just leave him behind, we missed our first shift. Couldn't really show up late, because it involved driving, and the only vehicle had left without us. I know that sounds weird, but trust me, it made sense at the time, I just don't want to be more specific/identifiable.

I had a lot of anxiety around that stuff and immediately started panicking that no one would like us anymore, that as soon as people got back we'd be evicted in shame, all sorts of (overreacting) stuff, and went in on a full-on shame spiral.

He started in with "what do you want me to do?" over and over. "I'll do anything, I'll do anything, what do you want me to do?"

I told him "I need you to leave me alone right now so I can calm down. I'm not in a good spot right now and I need to sort out what feelings and plans are reasonable and unreasonable, and who I should even be upset with, if anyone."

"No, no I'm not going to do that. I'll do anything, I'll do anything, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to leave me alone so I can calm down!"

"Nonono what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to leave me alone for a minute"

"Nonono" by this point he was following me around. "What do you want me to do? Ok, what do YOU want to do?"

By this point I was really upset. "I honestly really want to hit you right now. ((Really wish I hadn't said that, but I was having a hard time breathing through the panic attack)) Which means that you need to leave me alone and let me calm down while I sort out my thoughts and emotions."

"Then hit me."

"...I'm not going to actually hit you."

"You said you wanted to. So do it. So do it. So do it. So do it. You're not gonna do it? You said you were gonna do it. So do it. So do it. Hit me. HIT ME. Yeah you're not gonna hit me. Hit me! You said you wanted to, I dare you to! Do it! Hit me!" All the while just tailing me through this empty camp.

So eventually I did. Hit him hard enough to make a point. Made sure not to aim for the nose or anything, and cracked him in the jaw. And I still feel really guilty for it, but fuuuck man.

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