What was your 'I don't get paid enough for this shit' moment?

OH THIS ONE IS ALL ME: I worked at a Kohl's department store in the jewelry department making minimum wage. We change watch batteries there and this one time a very dirty (you could see he was literally covered in dirt, he might've been working in construction from how he was dressed) black man (pointing out his race will matter towards the end of the story) comes in and is 1. rude as fuck and 2. asks for me to change the battery in his gross $18 womens watch. I take the watch and notice when he takes the watch off, where the watch was, his skin was basically white. (I feel like this is coming off racist which aren't my intentions but just keep reading) Anyway, I assumed he had been wearing the watch for months and never took it off in water or anything because his skin was literally the color of mine. The watch is covered in black grime and smells absolutely disgusting. I'm talking like this scent made me cry because it was so bad and I almost vomited kind of scent. Anyway, I change the battery and send him on his way. After my shift ends I told my coworker about how rude he was and how disgusting his watch smelled and my coworker responded "OH I've done that guys watch before. You don't know what that grime is? It's his dead skin. He doesn't take the watch off." I had to leave because I had that mans dead skin that was building up for months on my hands and couldn't scrub off the scent. I asked that we get gloves in the department after that one.

TL;DR: I changed the battery of a mans watch that was covered in his dead skin and body oils.

ALSO there was another man who would call different departments in our store and ask all of the women creepy questions like when we worked next, who worked after us, and what we were wearing.

/r/AskReddit Thread