What is your experience with homeschooling? If you were homeschooled, are you happy about it or do you wish your family made a different choice?

Unless you have ways to socialize outside of the house, with real people, and make Real friends you can hang out with in person. Fuck No do not do it. I did it, and I enjoyed it growing up, but it fucked me up bad. I thank the internet for providing endless means to educate myself in whatever I wanted, but without good parenting, I was left to my own devices, with no money and no social skills. I collapse in on myself in normal social situations most find mundane, despite my efforts to try and fight it, I can only handle so much.
Had I grown up with people my age in real life, I'd probably be graduating college right now, or still in college for whatever I wanted to do. Instead, I'm facing severe depression and social anxiety everyday, preventing me from being able to handle pretty much any job at all, my friends are all online, despite being wonderful and honestly probably a lot better than most people's friends... it's an awful way to achieve that.

/r/AskWomen Thread