What is your experience with the "honeymoon phase" ending?

That's the point that you start to notice things about them that you don't really like, but that you were just sort of blind to before. Or, alternatively, when you start to dislike things that you previously were just looking past. This doesn't have to be damning, of course; it all depends on just how severe these issues are and whether you are willing to just accept them. All it means is that this is when you start to really see the other person genuinely and honestly, without the rose-colored lens.

It's also the point that your lives together tend to become more stable and routine. Again, this is not a bad thing -- it can mean you know what to expect every day, you're building a life (and maybe a home environment) together, and you're comfortable with each other. You've established boundaries, you know each other inside and out, and you start to feel that sense of home with them. Home becomes a person.

Sex slows down. It gets at least a little more routine, naturally, since you each know what the other likes by now.

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