What was your first exposure to porn?

Okay, there used to be this show on Lifetime that would come on late at night called Bliss. It was this half-hour, soft-core porn-ish, romantic type show and I would stay up late and watch it on the weekends at my dad's apartment.

As for real porn, also probably a falsely labeled video on Limewire like someone else said or when my brother got a porn virus on our computer and I was interested and clicked links.

Or, or there's this site called killsometime and they had a link to some porn site that I'd click. These were all around the same time so I can't remember what was first.

I remember feeling so guilty and ashamed because in my young brain I remember thinking only boys looked at porn and I was a good girl so I shouldn't be, but I was so curious.

/r/AskMen Thread