What is your first thought about someone when they have a confederate flag sticker on their car?

I don't want to say specifically as it's in incredibly small spot and I've said enough in previous comments that could identity me, but it's a place that is literally only in the news for drugs and murder (in my graduating class, 2 people are in jail for murder, one legit has a Murderpedia entry, like 4 people have already died, and I'm not even 40).

And it's a similar sized school type of situation. You know all the kids from K-12. Similar with the nonwhite folks. When I was a kid, the village had one black family and white people get in what I call white people fights ("you can trust them, you know they're Dutch!" "Oh, they would say that, they're I-talian"), bunch of anger at French people (we used to have a guy who drove around town in a cowboy hat in a truck that said "anglo society" and he would just yell in public about how he hated the French. He was from one town over, but he visited my hometown all the time), even by families with French heritage sometimes, if you can believe it.

95% of house fires there are insurance fires. Lots of meth now, bikers have moved in and setup shop in that last 10 years. Just one of those incredibly rural places no one cares about. The bank isn't even open some days it's supposed to be, RCMP are only in town sometimes.

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