What was your high school’s wildest NSFW scandal?

The Vice Principal of my school was sleeping with three different female colleagues simultaneously. He banged the secretary, special ed teacher, and math teacher all unbeknownst to one another.

The kicker was that everyone involved was "happily married" and were very active in the Mormon church. The VP and special ed teacher were caught banging in a truck out in the middle of a potato field. The farmer that caught them said "You better have a conversation with your bishop and inform him of what is going on, or I will." Haha that is all it took and the whole scandal poured out.

VP was the biggest asshole to anyone that wasn't LDS during my time there. He would give kids the hardest time if they were suspected of smoking or drinking. However, he didn't give a fuck when it came to being a home wrecker and destroying marriages.

/r/AskReddit Thread