What is your motivation besides fitness?

For me, OTF is about taking back control of my life. I’m coming off of a year and a half of just pure sh*t— an abusive, destructive boss that tore me down at every corner in my already high-stress job, an alcoholic family member, over-commitments, some big losses, and overwhelming, all-consuming anxiety. I wasn’t sleeping, I cried to and from work every day, my hair literally fell out. In September I made some big changes to get out of those situations, but by November I still hadn’t been able to take the anxiety that had been brought up for being in that state for so long. OTF has been like a fire hose for the roaring flame of anxiety. It reminds me that I am STRONG, that I can do hard things. It is almost like a form of therapy— and I am so, so thankful for it!

/r/orangetheory Thread