What do your parents deny ever happening? How has this affected you?

Yeah I'm a junior now so I'm still living in the house but it's not like entirely abuse it just happens like a couple times a week but not too badly. If I call the cops on him 1) I'm a captain of the varsity lax team, wouldn't they expect me to stand up for myself 2) I'm not trying to get put into the foster system and break up my family. I move out in a year and a half anyways and I stay with friends a lot so it's not too bad.

Just writing this stuff out does kinda make me feel better though, even if I'm not saying it to my moms face, I know it's true. I posted this in another ask Reddit but I thought it would work fine here.

When I was 13 my stepdad was drunk one night -well he was drunk alot of nights but that's beside the fact. So on the outside of our door we had the thing that told the temperature but it was super expensive because it was built into a wicked pretty, hand painted bird feeder. This was something that my stepdad had bought my mom so it was pretty special to him. Anyways, he came home drunk and knocked the bird feeder over and a whole side of it broke off. After he passed out on the couch I went over the close the door and saw it on the floor broken. I kinda propped it back up but it was late and I figured I'd deal with it in the morning. Next morning, stepdad comes into my room absoltuley screaming at the top of his lungs and I almost shit my pants. "You broke her bird feeder, ya little shithead" he says. "No, you knocked it over," I said back. Bad mistake. He absolutely lost his shit and pushed me against the wall and screaming that I was a liar a show dare I say something like that. I was freaking out because I was barely awake and I knew I hadn't done it at all and I kept insisting that it wasn't me but he kept punching me until I said I had done it. Then once I admitted my "guilt" he took out his belt which always makes for a fun night ...

Next day, I showed my mom my back and she asked me what I had done wrong. Like what the fuck?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent