What's the best concert you've been to?

Iron Maiden. I wasn't even an Iron Maiden fan really before we went, but my roommates and I were on a summer of "See every concert we can." We had heard that Iron Maiden was playing at Compton terrace, but were running late due to a special effects truck overturning, so we decided to go last minute. We missed the opening band, and were making a joke about wanting to really see them and not the headliner, but were willing to see this Iron Butterfly or whoever they were. (The opener was Guns and Roses, so, this was actually true.)

It didn't work, they still made us pay full price for tickets.

Over two and a half hours late, they finally start up. With the music raring, the lead singer comes running out, and immediately falls flat on his ass from a wet spot on the stage.

He finishes the first song, and then goes on a less than minute rant basically saying our truck overturned, we lost a bunch of special effects, I just fell, its rainy, today sucks, but fuck all this we're gonna play our hearts out!

And they did, going non stop for a good two hours straight. Full energy, still had great effects (I wonder how amazing it would have been if that last truck made it), no mistakes, and, no jokes, at the end the drummer through a FUCKING CYMBAL into the audience. I am amazed nobody was decapitated.

They made a fan out of me that day.

/r/AskReddit Thread