What's the closest you've ever been to a real life porn scenario?

I was back in my old high school a couple years after graduating visiting the members of an academic team I used to be on. After practice was over everyone left the room and I closed the door. I was about to leave but I realized I left my jacket in the room. Unfortunately for me, it was one of those doors that lock when you close it.

It was a good couple hours after the school day was over so I was trying to find any security guard or teacher who possibly had a key to the door. The first person I found was this new blonde math teacher who I hadn't seen before and who was quite attractive.

But alas, I had one goal: to retrieve my jacket. I explained my situation and asked her if she could open the door so I could get my jacket. She responds "well... what can you do for me?". Having watched an appropriate amount of porn in teenage life, I was surprisingly caught off-guard and there was a 3 second complete silence where I was just searching for an answer. After 3 seconds, she just laughed and said "Just kidding! Let's get that door open."

/r/AskReddit Thread