Whats a comment that when posted on Reddit is guaranteed to be downvoted to hell?

TBH I have a hard time disagreeing with that. Here's what I think being a pothead did to my brain: 1. Killed my ability to deal with anxiety. All of my natural coping strategies were replaced with being too high to care about my life/do something about the problem/think positively. Regular weed use makes you less anxious when you're high, and WAY MORE ANXIOUS when you're not. 2. Made me financially irresponsible. At the height of my addiction, I'd rather buy a gram than buy healthy food. Ramen and weed smoke for dinner. 3. I was/am dependent on marijuana for sleep. Once you quit, falling asleep is abnormally difficult for weeks. And if you're a pothead without weed, you're going to have the same issue. 4. My appetite is controlled by marijuana too. Loss of appetite occurs for weeks after quitting. Your hunger hormones get so used to being stimulated by weed that your body forgets how to make them. And most stoners eat like shit. So they're binge eating garbage, which is why many stoners are fat. 5. Fucked up idea of socializing - sitting around with a bunch of people who don't have much to say, don't want to go out, and don't know how to socialize unless they're high. 6. Fucked up friends - they just want someone to get high with, they don't want me to quit so I can focus on improving my life. That makes them feel bad about themselves. 7. I could go on. The impact of smoking/vaping all the time on my running... all of the embarrassingly stupid shit I've said/done while I was high... driving stoned because I was stoned all the time... sketchy drug dealers... sketchy friends desperate to get high, smoking in inappropriate places...

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