What's a crazy story from your youth?

Mom dropped me off at school that morning and I wasn't feeling it. Being 13 years old and wiser than anyone else on this planet, I let a friend talk me into leaving. I thought at first she was crazy, no way could we just walk out of school. Someone would stop us, right? Our friends trotted to talk us out of it but we were young and stupid. So before the first bell rang we left the cafeteria and just.....walked away. I think we both expected the other not to go through with it and were just waiting for someone to cry uncle.

It was cold, windy, and rainy. We had no money, no umbrella, no coats. We had no clue what to do once we got off campus. My house was 15 miles away at least, her's was filled with family. So we walked to the train tracks. Sat under the bridge for an hour or two and got bored. I don't remember how (this was before cell phones) but somehow she got in touch with her older brother. I want to say he drove by and saw her and pulled over but it's been so long I don't recall. Anyway, he told us to get in.

He told us the entire county was looking for us. Cops were interviewing or friends back at school, watching video of us walking away, and were about to call the search dogs in. That sobered us up quick. So here we are. Soaked, freezing, and hungry with the police after us. He took us to the mall, got us some food, and let us warm up. Then he said it was time to face the music. He was taking us to her house as he didn't know what else to do with us. My friend then told me not to worry if I got hit. To just keep my head down and it would be over soon. I was floored.

The cops and my mother pulled up to her house right behind him and I later found out he had called them from the mall to let them know we were safe but scared. He gave the cops enough time to get there and they discreetly followed him to her house.

Nothing serious ever came of it. My mother threatened to send me to live with my father and I begged her to some that meant a parent actually caring so she refused. My punishment was 5 more years with her. The school changed a few policies after our escape and we became legends for about a week.

Looking back as an adult and mother, fuck. So many things could have gone wrong. That was my first and only brush with the law. It was enough for me.

/r/AskReddit Thread