What's the fastest you've ever gone from caring about someone to straight up loathing them?

Never really cared about person, but went to loathing in a matter of seconds....

Have a nasty car wreck, me and passenger end up in different hospitals. One of my parents come to see me, with his now fourth(maybe third, I already mentioned I did not care) wife. Shows up while I am in the ER, and state trooped is taking my statement about the wreck. I has lost use of my right leg, my right arm is covered in dry blood and full of glass, and my neck has a few small pieces in it.

While giving the statement to the trooper, I mention me and passenger went to town, saw a movie, and were on our way home. Person going to town, crossed center lane, hit us, spun us around in the road, facing opposite way when we stopped. Parent immediately jumps in and says I am mistaken, that I was going to town, because he drove by what was left of my car on way to hospital, and it was facing towards town. I replied that I was leaving town after seeing a movie, why would I not know that? He raised his voice to me, still laying on the ER bed, not knowing if my passenger is doing okay across town, my arm being wiped off by a nurse, my leg in a splint, bandages on my neck, in front of a state trooper trying to take MY statement, and said I was mistaken, and I HAD to be going to town, because my car was facing town. I leaned up out of bed, pointed to my jeans that had been cut off of me and were in the trash and told him if he felt like it, to dig in the back pocket, get my wallet, and find both the receipt and ticket from the movie, and explain to me why I would see a movie, drive home, then turn around and go back to town.

The state trooper had to put her hand on my shoulder to keep me from coming out of the bed, and one of the nurses led this "parent" and his now wife out into the hallway.

Days later, I found out that this parents now wife called my mother on the way to the hospital, and told her that "she" had heard I had a face full of glass, and my face was cut to ribbons. She did this as my mother and sister were on the way to the hospital as well, just to upset both of them.

tl,dr; Parent who has been absent for 19 years shows up when I am in the ER after a wreck, and proceeds to tell me and the police what happened because I am stupid

/r/AskReddit Thread