What's a feeling better than an orgasm?

As a person who used to be an active musician. When you get an unexpected and completely organic reaction from people responding in a live setting. Just playing not a huge venue (lets be honest its never payed me shit) but to 100 maybe 400 people and you can see at least a dozen or 2 folks yelling the words back, people jumping off the stage people smiling, generally having a blast and the adrenaline you feel when youre 100% locked in with your closest friends and the crowd to your own tune. Sometimes I get down about the world around me and remember how powerful and positive that energy is it honestly calms me down and brings me back up. 2nd is, the first time you hear the exact music you never knew existed but instantly love. It doesnt happen much in this age of digital saturation but its such a great feeling.

/r/AskReddit Thread