What's it like being white?

A huge piece that i see i think all stems back to childhood, and i think we could destroy racism at elementary school, before the kids even know they're really being racist. I think in a young mind exploring and trying to understand the universe, its constantly being alerted of new things that are different or "odd" being that say, a child is white, he sees a kid with black skin and his brain tingles like "whoa wtf is that thats way different" and i think it all starts as curiosity... I have very young siblings , one of whom i remember hearing ask my mom "why is that boy so dirty mommy?" There was no malice or laugh in his voice. Curiosity in its purest form. There needs to be a huge focus on image and the way people look, the amount we care about image in society is fucked, kids pick up on that shit, fashionista shits pushed to toddlers (my 4 year old sister likes to wear makeup, some people would have the nerve to say thats ok.)

Sorry i think i lost my train of thought a bit. But anyways, kids when grouped together, its like a bunch of little minds who are trying to figure out whats weird whats not, what is normal, they are trying to wrap their minds around everything all the time. So they see another person, hes able to talk walk eat do everything they can, but his hair is curly and his skin looks like the night. Thats confusing AF to youngins. Theyre immediatley gonna start putting up walls, if someone isnt there monitoring the interaction to keep the walls down. Our educational system throws together people who usually wouldnt have ended up in the same room, then expects there to be no confusion or odd feelings when it is an extremely under treated issue by faculty and schools. Parents play a HUGE job too, but it goes back generations.

TL;DR kids cant help but be racist when they're young, if we dont unwind those stereotypes and false opinions they form, then reinforce with peer opinion, we are going to have a situation like we have in america today.

/r/AskReddit Thread