What's the most fucked up dream you've ever have?

I saw myself get shot (in a mirror, hiding behind a counter, the shooter saw me hiding, stepped around the counter and pop!) and die in a dream. I woke up out of breath and with the worst heart burn. It was the most realistic dream I've had.

Lately, I have dreamed twice about working in this crappy strip club/whore house. It's off a desolate dirt highway close to one of my childhood homes in the Central Valley in CA. It's a square white building. You walk in and there's a waiting room with two doors and a cashier's window. There's a few bodyguards.

One door leads to a hallway where the strippers/prostitutes take their clients. The other is the actual strip club.

The strip club is lit with red and there are girls hanging out. Customers too. There are always more girls than customers which sucks for me because both nights I worked at this club, it was my first night?

The first time I managed to land a few tricks and took them through the waiting room, through the other doorway, to the fuckroom hallway.

The second night I worked, I wasn't so lucky. I had gained hella weight and the girls were prettier and smarter that night and I forgot my sexy clothes. All I had were sweat pants, the baggy kind, a big, faded, red t shirt and white platforms.

I went straight through the sex room hallway the second night, instead of going into the strip club first and met with a few nice girls. They tried to drag me in their drama and I told them I needed to go home and get better clothes, so I went out to the parking lot. My car was way the fuck in the back and some old man with a straw hat and a white beard started fucking with me but I felt unsexy so I gave him a dirty look.

I started to drive home but halfway there I said I can't go home and come back to work, so I went back to the club and took my pants off in the parking lot. I went back to the sex room hallway and the girls were still in the hanging out, green room with a pimp? They were eating mini cupcakes and I stuffed a few in my mouth. I went to the red light club with my big, ratty red t shirt, no pants, heels combo and finally woke up.

/r/AskReddit Thread