What's the quickest you've "Noped" out of a job?

I was 19 looking for a job on Craigslist. This one job said it paid up to 1000 a week so I called the number and the guy said to come by tomorrow. I went there and it was this place that sold meat to people door to door. I found out later that "emoloyees" would rent refrigeration trucks from the company each day for 70 dollars PLUS pay for gas to run it which all the trucks would be empty the next day. Then you also pay for each box of frozen meat you opened up, and you had to open up at least a few to show customers the product.

My breaking point was when we went to this rather affluent guy's house and the guy training me was doing his best pitch, had every cut of meat spread. The affluent noticed our truck's plates were from a different state, so he got paranoid and thought we stole the meat and were trying to fence it. He told us to pick up all our shit and get the fuck off his property like we were scum of the earth. He said we couldn't hustle him because he was in that game so he knows a hustle when he sees it.

So did I. The only ones getting hustled were us. This wasn't a job. This was a scam. The only ones getting paid was the "company" because they got us to buy their meat directly from them, then we had to turn around and try to resell at a profit to someone else. Every day you show up for work you're down 100 dollars with no guarantee of getting paid that day.

That woke me the fuck up and I immediately took nursing classses at my community college and now make 60k a year with a 2 year degree.

/r/AskReddit Thread