What's the scariest thing that's ever woken you up during the middle of the night?

6 years ago I had two people break into my home late at night when I was already sleeping. I was home alone when I woke up to glass shattering at the back door. I was scared shitless so I hid upstairs and called the cops. The only thing I have with me for defence is an airsoft gun so I hid with that in my hands. They quickly got to the room I was hiding in and at that point my heart was racing.

I guess my adrenaline kicked in at the right time. My airsoft gun is an exact replica of a real life M4 so when they were a foot in the room I shined my guns light at them. When I noticed both of them had sledgehammers something went off in me and I shouted at them as loud as I could that if they so much as move that I was going to blow their fucking brains out. I kept them still as could be until the cops showed up.

/r/AskReddit Thread