What's the sexiest moment you've seen by accident?

(repost from /r/cringe)

I've been doing some traveling out of state for the last couple of months, and one of my first stays was at a hostel in New York. It was my first time staying at a hostel, so I was incredibly weary and nervous to be housing with a bunch of complete strangers. However, to my surprise, I actually got along with everyone very well. It also helped that the dozen of us were all college-age kids who liked to drink and party.

There was one girl in particular, let's call her Jane, who I developed a sort of brother-sister relationship with. I think we felt a bond right away being the only Asian-Americans in the house, but we also had very similar personalities. It wasn't unusual at all for me to barge into Jane's room at any hour of the day and just jump into her bed to make small-talk.

Last weekend, we were throwing a big party for one of the girls since she was leaving to go back home to L.A. We grilled steaks and chicken, had a bunch of alcohol, and just chilled out front in a circle of lawn chairs. Well, Jane declares to everyone that she's feeling a bit tired and that she's going to bed early. Despite her early exit, the party continues.

We're sitting around, laughing and sharing stories, telling jokes, etc. Eventually, I have to piss, so I head inside to the bathroom. To get to the bathroom, you have to walk past Jane's bedroom door. And she's only been gone for about 20 minutes, so I figured she couldn't have fallen asleep that fast.

I tip-toe up to her door, slowly turn the door-handle, and then throw the door open really quickly as a sort of surprise. First thing I noticed was that the lights were all off. Then I see Jane lying there on her back and in a half-second, her body sort of jolts as she throws a white sheet over her body.

She just says, curtly, "Umm...I'm masturbating."

I'm just standing at the doorway, looking at her. She's looking at me. The door is hanging wide open.

Keep in mind, I had been drinking for several hours by this point and was a little drunk. I was completely caught off-guard by the situation, and didn't know what to do. I couldn't think straight. And to be honest, I half-expected her to invite me into bed with her. So I just kept standing there, at the doorway.

Seconds pass of complete silence. I'm still standing there. In my head, I'm thinking, 'Fuck! What do I do? Something to break the awkwardness!'

I just let out a creepy chuckle: "Heh heh..." Still standing at the doorway, staring at her, mind you.

Then she finally screams at me, "GET OUT!!"

I quickly close the door and go back outside to the party.

/r/AskReddit Thread