What's something someone did that instantly made you lose your crush on them?

Freshman year of HS, I woke up one day and my leg was stiff. Just frozen. I hadn't fell on it or anything so I had no idea what was going on. Hospital tells me it's probably just a torn muscle and to go on crutches and I should heal in a week or two. Nope, 2 weeks passed, and i still have to limp because it was still very painful to walk on. I even got an MRI but there was nothing but a small bruise. Not only that, but by other knee started hurting too - my physical therapists assumed it was probably because I was putting so much weight on my other leg because I was hoping on the injured one. So anyways, I end up being on crutches for a whole month (and I was in physical theray for 2 whole months after I got off crutches). Towards the last week on my crutches some random dude next to his group of friends called me out in the hallway and told me to stop faking it. I turned around, went up to him, and told him "do you think I want to be on crutches?" And then he apologized and said it was a joke but idek what his intentions really were

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